
Natural recipes to get rid of forehead wrinkles and get more youthful skin

Amman Today

publish date 1970-01-01 03:00:00

With age, many wrinkles and fine lines appear on the face, which cause women to feel uncomfortable, especially when wrinkles appear on the forehead, which can be eliminated by following natural recipes to get rid of forehead wrinkles, which we review in this report, according to the website. “newbeautymd“.

Natural recipes to get rid of forehead wrinkles: Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps moisturize the skin greatly, enhances the levels of lipids in the surface skin, and works to repair and protect the skin, so it is recommended to put coconut oil on the forehead on a daily basis before bed and wash it when you wake up the next day.

Forehead wrinkles

Argan oil to get rid of forehead wrinkles

Argan oil is considered a home remedy for wrinkles, as it is rich in essential vitamins such as A And E And fatty acids and antioxidants that enhance the biological elasticity of the skin, reduce wrinkles and moisturize the skin, so it is recommended to put it on a daily basis on the forehead for a period of time, and then wash it with water to obtain a positive result.

Getting rid of forehead wrinkles

Getting rid of forehead wrinkles

Jojoba oil to get rid of forehead wrinkles

Jojoba oil, a natural remedy for wrinkles and sagging skin, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and helps repair collagen and damaged skin cells, making the skin look younger.

This oil contains a group of important minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B complex and vitamin E Therefore, it is recommended to put it on the forehead on a daily basis, for as long as possible, and then wash the face with water, to obtain a positive result.

Olive oil to get rid of forehead wrinkles

Olive oil contains powerful anti-aging antioxidants and helps protect the skin from UV damage, so it is recommended to put olive oil on the forehead on a daily basis and leave it for a while, then wash the forehead with water, to get a positive result.

Recipes to get rid of forehead wrinkles
Getting rid of forehead wrinkles

Primrose oil for forehead wrinkles

Primrose oil contains a high percentage of fatty acids (omega-6), which helps improve skin elasticity and hydration, so it is recommended to apply it on the forehead on a daily basis, for a period of time, and then wash the face with water.


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Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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