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Tawjihi students between two worries.. from exams to results

Amman Today

publish date 2021-07-27 12:05:38

Jordan News

Atallah’s prayer

As soon as the students’ anxiety and tension from the high school exams (Tawjihi) ended on the fifteenth of this month for the 2021 session for all branches, they entered into fear and anxiety of another kind, which is waiting for the results that the Minister of Education, Muhammad Abu Qadis, suggested to be announced a month later. From the last exam, that is, in the middle of next August.

The student, Raghad Al-Amer, says, “The tension of the exams has ended and the tension before the results has begun,” noting that “the student should occupy himself with anything that keeps him from thinking about the results and for a long time sitting with the family because they are the first supporter, and the student must rely on God, and have certainty Complete that our Lord loves him and our Lord is aware of everything and will choose the best for him in the end, and our Lord’s reparation will be close, even if it is a little late, it will be for wisdom and he will come back.”

Al-Amer added, “The role of the parents is to convince their son that success in the guidance is not a measure because there are those who do not get a high rate and be very successful in their life and vice versa, and the dark aura that appeared around the guideline must be mitigated, and that the guideline in the end is a year like all years and it is not the end of life And the parents should appreciate every tiring moment the student had during the year and be satisfied with the result, whatever it was.”

“We got out of the sea and entered the ocean,” said the student, Hussein Sheikhan, after the end of the high school exams. He added, “We entered a new stage of tension, which is waiting for the results. The tension did not decrease, but its kind changed.”

Sheikhan added, “The student must practice his life normally and forget that he was my guide and forget that this stage passed through his life. He forgets it completely, and only remembers that he will move to a new stage in his life. He must not weaken and remember that a whole year of pressures is over.”

According to Sheikhan, “Parents have no role in reducing stress, because tension comes from society by repeating the question about the date of the results and how the student presented, and reducing stress depends on the person himself, how to make himself happy and stay away from the things that make him tired.”

For her part, the student, Lana Abu Safia, said, “The tension decreased and the fear of the future and the result increased, but one of the ways to reduce tension during the waiting period for results is to occupy the time to reduce thinking about the issue.”

Abu Safia indicated that “the role of the parents is the most important factor in relieving tension and fear, because the higher the parents’ ambitions to obtain a high rate, the greater the tension and fear during the entire school year, not just the time of waiting for results.”

Sociologist, Dr. Hoda Bani Salama, believes that “the most important thing for a student to feel comfortable about the exams he is taking is to be convinced that he did everything he could while they are currently in the waiting period, and perhaps the most important things that reduce stress and fear are developing skills and hobbies such as Doing sports or learning a new skill.

She stressed the need not to anticipate events regarding the subject of results, such as for the student to think that he must obtain an average in the eighties to study engineering, for example, as the student must set the disciplines that suit his inclinations and based on this, the goal is not the same, but the diversity of goals, that is, if the goals are not The student gets engineering, he can get a specialty close to it, such as mathematics.”

Bani Salama said, “During exams, tension is required because it is a motive, but tension becomes a pathological condition if the student becomes distracted and affects the way he studies or how to take the exam,” adding, “The fear before the exam is intense and thinking about it more, but after the exam is over.” Exams are less stressful because he cannot go back to the past or go back to the time when he answered questions.”

According to Bani Salama, “the fear is more during the anticipation of the results, and here lies the role of the parents in helping the son psychologically and morally, relieving him and reassuring him.”

#Tawjihi #students #worries #exams #results

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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