Local News

Karak: Farms compete with halls by holding events – news agency and comprehensive newspaper

Amman Today

publish date 2021-07-21 08:45:15

Jordan News

The private farms of Karak entered the line of competition with wedding halls, by renting these farms to citizens to hold their public events in them, which raises the complaint of the owners of the halls, and some of them considered that there was no competition with private farms and their ranks were unequal. They also said we are required to pay taxes and wages for buildings, and we adhere to legal requirements in light of the precaution against corona infection, while farms are not subject to the same standards, with which it is possible for farm owners to reduce wages, the situation that tempts citizens to turn to it. .

The owners of the halls added that we did not wake up from the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, which stopped our business for more than a year.

He urged the owners of the halls who are concerned to consider what we mentioned above in order to achieve justice in accordance with what serves the public interest. According to them, we have established our halls as a local investment, and we hope for a solution in which the interest of one party does not prevail at the expense of another.

#Karak #Farms #compete #halls #holding #events #news #agency #comprehensive #newspaper

Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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