
4 mistakes everyone makes while brushing teeth

Amman Today

publish date 2021-07-10 12:15:20

Jordan News

Everyone has been brushing their teeth since childhood, but it turns out that most people make mistakes that lead to oral diseases.

Dentist Marina Kolesnichenko tells us why you should not brush your teeth “on the machine”.

enough time
According to statistics, the average time it takes to brush your teeth is 40 seconds. That’s four times less than necessary. The optimal time to brush your teeth is 3 minutes. For control, you can buy a special hourglass – turn it over and don’t stop brushing your teeth until you run out of sand. If you are used to an electronic brush, keep brushing for 2 minutes.

Brushing teeth before breakfast
Brush your teeth after breakfast so as not to provide an environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria secrete acid that destroys teeth and causes cavities.

Use a stiff brush regularly
Hard brushing can injure tooth enamel and gums. They are prescribed to people who do not have allergies, gum problems and who often use dyes – coffee and tea. But even for them – only occasionally. If you have healthy teeth, choose brushes of medium hardness, if they are sensitive, go for soft ones.

Neglecting the evening cleaning
You need to brush your teeth twice a day – everyone knows that, but surprisingly many people neglect brushing in the evening. As a result, all the food accumulated during the day decomposes and feeds the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

#mistakes #brushing #teeth

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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