
This type of sneezing is dangerous and requires a visit to the doctor

Amman Today

publish date 2021-07-07 11:01:52

Jordan News

Sneezing in the summer often occurs even in perfectly healthy people, however some nuances may indicate its possible danger.

In an interview with the therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva, the opinion of the medical professional was expressed that in case of sneezing, one should monitor the further condition of the body.

In summer, due to many climatic features, sneezing is especially widespread, and if a person sneezes, this does not mean that he is sick or has an allergic attack.

At the same time, sneezing can be a symptom of serious health changes and requires medical attention. How do you know him?
In response to the question, Irina Yartseva explained, “If the symptoms intensify and do not go away, there is a long nasal congestion with profuse secretions, you need to seek help from a specialist.”

The specialist also advised not to bend the elbow when sneezing, in this case, the affected particles of moisture can be deposited in the elbow, and this is dangerous.

She stressed that: “When sneezing, be sure to cover the mouth with a tissue and dispose of it, or wash it immediately with soap and water or an antiseptic.”

#type #sneezing #dangerous #requires #visit #doctor

Jordan Miscellaneous news

Source : اخبار الاردن

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