Try it yourself.. a simple way to detect dehydration in the body
Amman Today
publish date 2021-07-07 11:04:18
Jordan News
Most health problems are associated with chronic dehydration, and to know whether you are dehydrated or not, you don’t need any equipment, lab research, or even special knowledge.
In simple terms, modern humans consume very little water. Hence the recommendations for a liter and a half or more of water compulsorily, not counting the liquid in food.
At the same time, not all experts support the idea of drinking plenty of water daily, even if the body needs it. But there is a simple way to determine the degree of saturation of moisture in the body. It was suggested in TikTok by American doctor Karan Raj.
You just need to grab the skin of the knuckle of one of your fingers and pull it up a little for a few seconds, then release it and watch it restore to its previous state.
The faster the reaction, the more elastic the skin, which is a direct indicator of how saturated it is with moisture.
The longer the skin stays elevated, the more water your body needs, and in case the time goes on that means your body has turned into a dry desert.
#simple #detect #dehydration #body
Jordan Miscellaneous news
Source : اخبار الاردن