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“Prisoners of the Small Rectangle” .. Children under the influence and danger of smart devices – news agency and comprehensive newspaper وكالة

Amman Today

publish date 2021-07-07 08:30:54

Jordan News

Farah Abu Al-Saud

Technology has become an essential thing in human life. It facilitated many of the transactions and tasks that he performs, and relieved him of the time and effort expended in them. In addition, it is multi-use and overlaps in various areas of life. Including work, education and entertainment.

Smartphones and tablets are a double-edged sword, which should be used and invested for the benefit of one, with the need to use it in moderation, in order to avoid reaching a state of “addiction”, such as that which has become noticeably on children, but is the use of these devices by children a matter Well? How dangerous is it and its addiction? What is the role of parents in that?

Consultant of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Neurology, Dr. Adel Al-Zoubi, said that smartphones and tablets have limited the activity of children, as they have become isolated and do not want to mingle with their peers, but rather prefer to sit with their “rectangular devices”, which caused them to gain excessive weight. And this is what he noticed on the children who attended his medical clinic.

In his speech to the online newspaper, Jordan News, Al-Zoubi added that these devices made a big change in the behavior of children with their parents, and they became more stubborn and refused to hear any advice or information from them. Because children are most affected by devices and not parents, and most parents do not monitor their children and know the nature of what they are watching, and this is what makes devices pose a great danger to children, most of them have increased violent tendencies, and this is related to the quality of what they watch and hear.

For his part, Professor of Sociology at Al-Balqa Applied University, Dr. Hussein Al-Khuzaie, said that children’s attachment to the “small rectangle” stems from a lack of parental guidance and direction, and the presence of all the stimuli that make them addictive; Including parents’ preoccupation with their children, and the presence of programs, films and music that attract children’s minds.

Speaking to the electronic newspaper, Jordan News, Al-Khuzaie added that e-learning made the situation more difficult, but the danger lies in the long times children spend on these devices and their lack of knowledge and awareness of their use. If they are exposed to any problem related to these devices and websites, they will not be able to solve it; Because they do not have enough awareness of its danger.

He pointed out that the role of parents is important in controlling the time their children spend on tablets, by guiding them, guiding them and making them aware of its harm, indicating that its negative effects are not limited to the health aspect only, but also have economic and social effects, and parents should invest their children’s time to make them able to Development, such as taking them to sports clubs and places that enhance their self-confidence and fill their time.

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Jordan News

Source : اخبار الاردن

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