The trial of the “sedition case” accused in a secret session – a comprehensive newspaper and news agency
Amman Today
publish date 2021-06-21 11:57:08
Jordan News
Today, Monday, the State Security Court decided that the first session of the trial of the defendants in the sedition case, Bassem Ibrahim Youssef Awadallah, and Sharif “Rahman Hassan” Zaid Hussein, will be confidential.
The court prevented the media and lawyers not authorized to defend the accused from entering the courtroom.
Shaded black four-wheel drive cars arrived at the State Security Court in the Marka area, northeast of the capital, where the defendants in the sedition case were tried.
The former head of the royal court, Basem Awadallah and Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, is being tried in the so-called sedition case.
It is noteworthy that dozens of journalists gathered today in front of the State Security Court, awaiting the arrival of the defendants in the sedition case, Bassem Ibrahim Youssef Awadallah and Sharif “Rahman Hassan” Zaid Hussein.
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Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن