Zuhair Al-Nubani reveals to “Jordan News” the reasons for his decision to emigrate – news agency and comprehensive newspaper
Amman Today
publish date 2021-06-15 14:11:09
Jordan News
Aram Al-Masry
The publication of the able artist, Zuhair Al-Nubani, on his personal page on “Facebook”, in which he announced his intention to emigrate, provoked wide reactions, especially to the post in which he said: “I intended to emigrate.”
The artist, Amal Al-Dabbas, shared her intention to emigrate, commenting on his post, saying: “I was preceded by announcing this matter, it is unfortunate that we got here.”
In response to the inquiries of the Jordan News Online newspaper, Al-Nubani said that the reasons are many and the deteriorating reality of the cultural movement is the basis, pointing out that the artistic environment has become repelling artists.
He added, that all the components of success are present, but there is no interest, care or good management of those involved in the Artists Syndicate file, so that it does not have a retirement system as a result of its mismanagement of the union file, membership, retirement and health file.
Al-Nubani stressed the importance of having a real interest in the technical file, saying: “For years we have been calling for reform, and there is no life for those who call… an ear from another clay from dough.”
He pointed out that the publication is a cry and tantamount to throwing a stone into stagnant water to alert those concerned about the issues of artists, and that many full-time artists are in a bad situation, and that many production companies take advantage of their moral and material conditions and provide works that do not live up to the required level that Jordan deserves.
According to Al-Nubani, “I am 70 years old. I never thought of emigrating, but I took this step when I reached this age and there is no interest or care, as it is a warning cry.”
Al-Nubani indicated that the reactions were only from the local and some foreign media, and the public interacted greatly with the issue, but it did not receive any official reaction, pointing out that the concerned authorities should take the measure of public opinion on local issues.
#Zuhair #AlNubani #reveals #Jordan #News #reasons #decision #emigrate #news #agency #comprehensive #newspaper
Jordan News
Source : اخبار الاردن